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      <item logid="16133" ns="0" title="Eine Kamera mit Linse / Das Linsenauge" pageid="4559" type="patrol" action="patrol" user="Patrick.Nordmann" timestamp="2024-04-11T07:03:49Z" comment="">
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      <item logid="16132" ns="0" title="Inhalt Physik 7ade 2023-24" pageid="4740" type="patrol" action="patrol" user="Patrick.Nordmann" timestamp="2024-04-11T06:27:04Z" comment="">
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      <item logid="16130" ns="0" title="Die Lochkamera / Das Lochauge" pageid="2882" type="patrol" action="patrol" user="Patrick.Nordmann" timestamp="2024-04-07T21:24:12Z" comment="">
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      <item logid="16127" ns="0" title="Animation: Der Parabel-Rechner" pageid="4734" type="patrol" action="patrol" user="Patrick.Nordmann" timestamp="2024-03-27T03:50:25Z" comment="">
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